Wednesday, April 18, 2007

and now, the scramble

I’ve reached the counting down point, but I have many different dates to count down to. I roughly have:

2 weeks left working in Bangalore
4 weeks left in India
5 weeks till I’m back in balmy L.A.

And of course, because I always put too much pressure on myself to be productive with my time, I have a lot of stuff to do. And only two weeks to do it. Namely, I have to edit my final India short film (I’ll also be doing something with all the urban monkey footage I’ve shot, but that will come post-balmy L.A. return). And I want it to be totally finished and online before I leave Bangalore. Self-imposed deadline. And I also have some writing I need to finish.

I spent all weekend shooting b-roll of interesting Bangalore stuff, including my interactions with it (like talking with cows). And I still have to shoot some indoor bits as well. And cut it all together. This will likely be the longest and most complex of my adequately named “Bangaloring” series. So of course I cannot spend my last few weeks relaxing. I’ve got work to do. Blechh.

I always guilt myself into being productive when all I really want to do is relax and watch TV and eat ice cream. Stupid self-guilt.

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